Whether you are recovering from injury, have undergone surgery or have a chronic condition, our Clinical Pilates sessions are here to help your body move at its best.
Our small group Clinical classes are led by highly experienced instructors, who design exercises to suit your specific needs.
We require all new clients to Clinical Pilates, to attend a 50 minute Introduction to Pilates session, before starting classes.
Our one to one intro sessions allow us to hear your story, introduce you to basic Pilates breathing techniques and familiarise you with the equipment in our studio.
Please note: You do not need an intro session to attend fpFIT: fast Pilates or Reformer Pilates sessions.
We believe Pilates is for every body: whatever your age, experience or fitness level.
Regular Pilates practice can improve your life, through building strength and confidence in all types of movement.
Want to know more? Read more about what Pilates can do for you.